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25 of The Best Landing Page Examples

Building fantastic landing pages is no easy feat. Everything from the page load speed, the quality of your content, and the alignment of the page’s messaging to the user’s needs – they all impact how long your user is likely to find the page, stay on the page, and convert. Even minute details can make or break their experience.

If you’re new to building landing pages for your business, or you just want to get inspired by great landing pages – you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’re diving into everything about the top landing pages on the internet today and what makes each of them value-driving for a potential customer. 

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Why a good landing page matters

Almost every business today exists online, at least partially. And 97% of people learn more about businesses through Google searches. Having a powerful, insightful landing page will help your overall site score and search engine optimization (SEO) to make it more likely that these search users are going to see your site first – and then click into it. 

From there, the quality of content you have on the landing page can impact their engagement/interest in your company’s offering, nudge them towards purchasing or trialing the product, and possibly even encourage them to share the webpage or product information with people in their network! Essentially, it’s a no-brainer way to boost your digital sales conversions.

Things that great landing pages have in common

  1. Clear CTAs

This one feels like a no-brainer, but it’s actually frequently forgotten. Once your potential customer lands on your page, you should provide them with a clear, actionable next step. Possibly you could convince them to “Book a Demo,” “Start a Free Trial,” or even directly, “Buy Now.” It’s important that your call to action (CTA) is straightforward, non-ambiguous, and in an easily visible spot (such as the top of your page). Sometimes it helps to have a deal or promotion to further encourage people to push that button.

  1. Defined value propositions

What value can the user get out of your product? Why should they try this specific product, from your specific business, right now? If you’re struggling to answer these questions, it might be time to step back and do some more market research to understand who your customers are and why they love using your product. 

When you do have these answers, pick a maximum of four value propositions to share on your landing page. Make these as specific and niche to your ideal customer profile (ICP) as possible so that they can relate and feel more inclined to purchase something specific to their needs. Having too many feature benefits or using vague value propositions can feel disingenuous or overwhelming for the user, and decrease their likelihood of conversion.

  1. Visually appealing

Of course, the page should be nice to look at! You don’t always need to go for the “wow factor,” but the first 3 seconds do matter. Having an image or video at the top of your landing page helps improve the visual aspect. Great contrast, high-quality graphics, and easily visible text/buttons all help to make navigating the site much easier. 

  1. Interactivity & usability

It’s one thing to get someone onto your page, and another to keep them there. Making the site easy to navigate is done by focusing on great user design. Integrating interactive elements can maintain a user’s engagement and improve the visual element of your site. As people spend longer on the page, they consume more of the information which can increase their likelihood of conversion. 

Some examples might be an interactive tool (ie. Input X and we’ll tell you Y!), a customizer option (ie. car companies do this for visualizing different models), toggle bars, parallax images, carousels, embedded content (ie. maps, podcasts, social media), and more.

  1. Not too long

Unfortunately, most people’s attention spans aren’t as long as all the information you want to share with them. In fact, you should plan for your landing page to be easily skimmable within 15 seconds. Within that time, the user should be able to quickly analyze if the page is for them and see if the information they need will be found through further reading on the page. To help this, place important information at the top and keep the page generally short (no more than 3-4 minutes reading time. If you have more information to add, consider putting in a CTA to another page to learn more.

25 inspirational landing page examples by industry

  1. B2B Software-as-a-Service

  1. Hootsuite’s Webinar: What’s Hot or Not on Social Trends

  1. RSVPify’s Event Registration Feature Page

  1.’s Homepage

  1. AutoDesk’s AutoCAD Product

  1. ProCore’s Case Studies Page

  1. Wordstream’s Keyword Tool

  1. VidYard’s Pricing Page

  1. B2C Software-as-a-Service

  1. Doordash’s Homepage

  1. League’s Homepage

  1. EventBrite’s Online Registration Feature Overview

  1. Jobber’s Individual Trades Pages (Contractor Example)

  1. Adobe’s Creative Cloud Suite

  1. 1Password’s Family Offering

  1. CourseHero’s Homepage

  1. Rakuten’s Homepage

  1. PageCloud’s Website Builder

  1. Consumer Products & Services

  1. Apple’s iPhone 14

  1. Great Jones Goods’ Homepage

  1. Glossier’s Homepage

  1. Audi’s 2023 e-Tron

  1. WestJet’s Vacations Page

  1. Government and Education

  1. Elections Ontario’s Homepage

  1. Brainstation’s Digital Marketing Bootcamp

  1. McGill University’s Homepage

  1. Project Management Institution’s Certifications Page


Building an effective, engaging, and high-converting site is no easy feat! In fact, many digital marketers run continuous testing on their landing pages in an attempt to find the best features, copy, and visuals that appeal to their audience. It’s very likely that you’re not going to have the “perfect” page right off the bat. But continue experimenting, running A/B testing, and using data to improve your site each week – soon enough, you’ll also have an inspiring landing page of your own.

Want to learn more? Check out this course on high-converting landing pages here!