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Ready to flood the internet with regurgitated ideas? NOT SO FAST! Here are 48 contextual ChatGPT prompts for blogging fueled by more inputs.

There’s been a lot of recent debate around the future of blogging in the AI era. Not only are bloggers starting to use AI in content creation, Google has made it clear that they’re going to populate search results with AI-generated content, meaning we may soon see a drop off in clicks from search.

This shift is going to make it more important than ever for bloggers to focus on quality, expertise, experience, and value creation. 

So, how do you capture search traffic in competition with AI? 

By wielding data and interviews, by optimizing for search intent, and by ensuring your blogs are the best available resource on any given topic. 

You’re not going to beat AI search results if you’re just using AI to generate content too. But AI tools might just make you more productive or effective, allowing you to focus on what you do best: content creation. 

Grab a copy of our Free ChatGPT Prompt Generator Templates: Download Now

Here we explore the best ChatGPT prompts for bloggers. These prompts will allow you to use the new technologies to enhance your own abilities and build a sustainable blogging business in the age of AI.

High-level ChatGPT uses and prompts for bloggers

Feel free to add your content outline / key topics to your prompts as additional context to help

TaskExample Prompt 1
Content Creation
  • “Write an introduction to a blog post about [vegan cooking] and its benefits for [health and the environment].”
  • “Generate a conclusion for my article on [the history of jazz music] and its influence on [modern pop culture].”
  • “Create a compelling title for a blog post about [traveling on a budget] in [Southeast Asia].”
Interview Questions
  • “What are some thoughtful questions to ask a [novelist] about their [latest book]?”
  • “Generate questions for an interview with a [tech entrepreneur] regarding [AI technology] in the future.”
  • “What should I ask a [professional athlete] about their [training regimen]?”
Article Ideas
  • “Give me some blog post ideas about [sustainable living] for [urban dwellers].”
  • “What are some interesting angles to explore for an article about [mental health] in [the workplace]?”
  • “Suggest some engaging topics for articles about [digital art] and its impact on [contemporary society].”
Social Media Posts
  • “Write a concise and engaging Instagram caption for a photo of [a homemade vegan meal].”
  • “Craft a tweet promoting my latest blog post about [trends in e-commerce] for [small businesses].”
  • “Generate a Facebook post announcing a [live Q&A session] with a [noted environmental scientist].”
Email Newsletters
  • “Compose a newsletter introduction highlighting this month’s focus on [ethical fashion brands].”
  • “Write a summary for an email newsletter sharing [travel tips] for [visiting Japan].”
  • “Create a call-to-action for a newsletter asking subscribers to share their own stories about [overcoming adversity].”
Book Reviews
  • “How would I start a review of a [historical fiction novel] set in [18th century France]?”
  • “What are key points to discuss in a review of a [self-help book] about [building confidence]?”
  • “Generate a closing paragraph for a book review of a [science fiction novel] exploring [time travel].”
Event Coverage
  • “Write an introduction for a blog post covering a [music festival] in [Austin, Texas].”
  • “How would I describe the atmosphere and highlights of a [tech conference] in [Silicon Valley]?”
  • “Generate a conclusion for an article about a [charity marathon] in [New York City].”
Reader Engagement
  • “What questions could I ask my readers at the end of a blog post about [home organization] to encourage comments?”
  • “Generate a poll question for my blog post about [favorite vacation destinations].”
  • “What could I offer as a giveaway to engage readers of my [DIY craft] blog?”


Detailed blogging ChatGPT prompt

This blogger prompt is designed to be versatile and can be adapted to various contexts:

You are a blogger. Your task is to create a detailed outline for your next blog post titled [Blog Post Title]. The blog post is aimed at [Target Audience]. The keywords this blog is targeting are [keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3]
The themes for this blog post are [Theme 1, Theme 2, Theme 3].
Here are some key elements this blog post should incorporate: [Element 1, Element 2, Element 3].

Using the principles of the [specific content creation method], please create a detailed blog post outline including the following sections:
Title: [Blog Post Title]
URL: create an SEO friendly URL slug, ie “/blog/seo-friendly-url”
Themes: As stated above
Key Elements: As stated above
Blog Post Description: Detailed description of the blog post covering the themes and key elements
Writing Plan: Steps to write the blog post
Promotion Strategy: How to promote the blog post.

Content creation support

For bloggers, creating engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly content is at the heart of what they do. From brainstorming blog post ideas to crafting compelling narratives and informative guides, the primary goal is to provide value to their readers while also attracting new ones.

Drafting a blog post based on a brief

This task involves creating a comprehensive blog post draft, including meta title, meta description, a detailed outline with key points, and a top 5 FAQ. This allows for a structured approach to writing that ensures all necessary points and SEO elements are covered.

Inputs: Blog Post Brief, Keywords

Example Prompt:

You are an expert blogger. Here’s the blog post brief: [insert brief here]. The main keywords are [Starting a Small Business, Business Planning, Small Business Funding, Small Business Marketing]. Please draft a blog post that includes a meta title, meta description, an outline with key point sub-bullets, and a top 5 FAQ.


Developing a hub and spoke content strategy for topical SEO clusters

This strategy helps to plan content creation around a central topic (hub) with related subtopics (spokes). This boosts SEO by providing comprehensive coverage of a subject, driving internal linking, and increasing domain authority.

Inputs: Main topic, Subtopics

Example Prompt:

[You are an expert in developing a hub and spoke content strategy for topical SEO clusters. I want to create content around the main topic “[Digital Marketing]”. Here are some subtopics: [Content Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, PPC]. Please help me build a content strategy around this.]


Generating meta title, description, URL from a working title and keywords

This task helps to optimize SEO elements like meta title, meta description, and URL. Properly optimized elements can increase click-through rates and improve SEO ranking.

Inputs: Working Title, Keywords

Example Prompt:

[You are an SEO specialist. Here’s the working title of my blog post: “[How to Start a Successful Blog]”. The main keywords are: [Starting a Blog, Blogging for Beginners, Successful Blogging]. Please generate an optimized meta title, meta description, and URL.]


Generating an SEO blog brief

This task aids in planning a blog post that is optimized for SEO, increasing the likelihood of ranking higher on search engines.

Inputs: Working Title, Keywords

Example Prompt:

[You are an expert at creating SEO content briefs. Please generate a detailed SEO content brief using the following working title: “[Best Vegan Recipes]”. Here are the main keywords this page is targeting: [Vegan Recipes, Plant-Based Diet, Healthy Vegan Recipes].]


Generating an outline for a blog post

This task helps to structure the blog post, making it easier to write and more readable for the audience.

Inputs: Blog Post Title, Main Points, Keywords

Example Prompt:

You are a proficient content planner. I’m writing a blog post with the title “[How to Make a Perfect Cup of Coffee]”. The main points are [Choosing Coffee Beans, Grinding Coffee, Brewing Coffee]. The keywords are [Coffee, Coffee Beans, Brewing Coffee]. Please create a detailed blog post outline.


Converting a YouTube video or a webinar into a blog post

This task helps to repurpose video content into written form, expanding the content’s reach and accessibility.

Inputs: YouTube/Webinar Link, Main Points, Keywords

Example Prompt:

You are skilled at converting YouTube videos and webinars into engaging blog posts. Please transform the content from this YouTube video: “[YouTube link]” into a blog post, focusing on these main points: [Main Point 1, Main Point 2, Main Point 3]. Please also incorporate these keywords: [Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3].


Generating a FAQ for a blog post using title and meta description, and keywords

This task helps to enhance the blog post with a FAQ section, improving SEO and reader engagement.

Inputs: Blog Post Title, Meta Description, Keywords

Example Prompt:

You are skilled at creating FAQs for blog posts. Here’s the title of my blog post: “[Understanding Cryptocurrency]”. The meta description is: [An in-depth guide on cryptocurrencies and their impact on the global economy]. The keywords are: [Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Blockchain]. Please generate a relevant FAQ section.


Generating downloadable guide ideas from a list of blog topics

This task helps to create additional resources for the audience, increasing engagement and providing opportunities for email list growth.

Inputs: List of Blog Topics

Example Prompt:

You are an expert at creating resourceful content. Here’s a list of my blog topics: [Vegan Recipes, Plant-Based Diet, Fitness for Vegans, Vegan Meal Prep, Vegan Restaurants]. Based on these topics, please generate ideas for downloadable guides.


Analytics & reporting

Analyze search traffic decline, and ideas to help refresh the content

For this prompt, you can export your quarter over quarter results from search console, and format it like this:  /url/ |  [/Quarter Traffic] | [QoQ Growth or decline]

ChatGPT can offer pointers on what you can include to enhance those pages.

You are an expert longform content creator who knows what it takes to rank at the top of google. I’m going to give you a list of pages, and their quarter-over-quarter organic search traffic, and the quarter over quarter traffic decline like this: /url/ [/Quarter Traffic] [QoQ Growth or decline]
For each page, please devise a plan with specific content additions and other recommendations to refresh and enhance the content. Prioritize for impact (retaining/growing more traffic)Please trim ‘’ out of any of your responses and just use the slug, “/blog/training-survey-questions/” Please output each as an H2, with the following information: Meta title & description in one column, 
Expected wordcount for the piece
Frequently asked questions, 
Outline ideas. 
downloadable content piece idea
Expected traffic lift (regaining the traffic that we lost)
Content Downloads Estimate  (Expected traffic * 3% = “content downloads”
Here are the pages + their traffic in the past quarter + their quarter-over-quarter traffic change.
Here is the list of pages, their traffic, and their growth/decline:
​​/blog/blog-post/ 1664 -171
​​/blog/blog-post/ 1664 -171
​​/blog/blog-post/ 1664 -171


Marketing and outreach

Bloggers need to promote their blog to attract new readers. This can involve a variety of tasks, from writing enticing blog post teasers to reaching out to other bloggers for guest posting opportunities.

Creating intriguing teasers for new blog posts

Inputs: Blog post topic, key points, target audience.

Example prompt:

ChatGPT, I am a blogger who just wrote a post about [blog post topic]. Could you help me create an intriguing teaser that highlights these key points [key points] for my [target audience]?


Generating captivating email newsletter teasers

Inputs: Blog post topic, unique selling point, target audience.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I am sending out an email newsletter about my new blog post on [blog post topic]. Can you help me generate a captivating teaser that emphasizes this unique selling point [unique selling point] to engage my [target audience]?”


Drafting exciting social media teasers for blog posts

Inputs: Blog post topic, main takeaway, target audience.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I need to draft a teaser for my new blog post on [blog post topic] for social media. The main takeaway is [main takeaway]. Can you create an exciting teaser that will engage my [target audience]?”


Creating engaging outreach emails for collaborations

Inputs: Blog niche, collaboration proposal, target collaborator.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I am a blogger in the [blog niche] looking to reach out to [target collaborator] for a potential collaboration. Can you help me create an engaging email outlining my [collaboration proposal]?”

Drafting persuasive guest blogging proposals

Inputs: Blog niche, blog post topic, target blog.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I am a blogger in the [blog niche] and I want to propose a guest post on [blog post topic] to [target blog]. Can you help me draft a persuasive proposal?”

Generating content for promoting blog on social media

Inputs: Blog niche, key selling points, target audience.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I am a blogger in the [blog niche]. I need to create promotional content for social media that highlights these key selling points [key selling points] for my [target audience]. Can you help?”


Creating a blog promotion strategy from a list of blogs

This task helps to create a strategy to promote blog posts, increasing visibility and traffic.

Inputs: List of Blog Posts, Target Audience, Promotion Channels

Example Prompt:

[You are a specialist in blog promotion strategies. Here’s a list of my blog posts: [Blog Post 1, Blog Post 2, Blog Post 3]. My target audience is [Target Audience]. I plan to promote on these channels: [Facebook, Email Newsletter, Instagram]. Please create a detailed blog promotion strategy.]


Creating a social media promotion plan for blog posts

This task involves generating a robust social media strategy to promote blog content, which helps to increase reach, engagement, and traffic to the blog.

Inputs: Blog Post Title, Blog Post Summary, Target Social Media Platforms

Example Prompt:

[You are a social media marketing expert. I have a blog post titled “[The Future of E-commerce]” with a summary of [Exploring key trends shaping the future of online shopping]. I want to promote it on [LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook]. Please create a promotion plan for these platforms.]


Creating a content calendar for blog posts

A content calendar helps in planning and scheduling blog posts, ensuring regular posting and better content management.

Inputs: List of Blog Post Titles, Publication Frequency, Target Publication Dates

Example Prompt:

[You are an experienced content manager. Here’s a list of my upcoming blog post titles: [Title 1, Title 2, Title 3]. I want to publish a post every [two weeks] starting from [June 1, 2023]. Please create a content calendar.]


Generating blog post ideas based on keywords

This task involves generating fresh blog post ideas using specified keywords, helping to maintain a steady flow of relevant content.

Inputs: Keywords

Example Prompt:

[You are a creative content generator. Here are some keywords I want to target: [Sustainable Fashion, Eco-friendly Clothing, Vegan Leather]. Please generate at least 10 unique blog post ideas using these keywords.]


Outreach for guest contributions for someone else’s site

This task helps to establish relationships with other bloggers, leading to guest posting opportunities which can increase visibility and build backlinks.

Inputs: Blogger’s Name, Their Blog Topic, Your Blog Post Topic

Example Prompt:

[You are an expert at writing outreach emails for guest contributions. I want to reach out to [Blogger’s Name] who blogs about [Their Blog Topic]. I’d like to propose a guest post on the topic of [Your Blog Post Topic]. Please draft a compelling outreach email.]

Outreach for guest contributors to contribute to blogger’s site

This task helps to invite industry experts to contribute to your blog, adding credibility and variety to your content.

Inputs: Potential Contributor’s Name, Your Blog Topic, Suggested Post Topic

Example Prompt:

[You are an expert at writing outreach emails for inviting guest contributors. I want to invite [Potential Contributor’s Name] to write a post on my blog about [Your Blog Topic]. I suggest they could write about [Suggested Post Topic]. Please draft a professional and inviting outreach email.]

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Audience engagement

Engaging with their audience is a crucial aspect of a blogger’s role. This includes responding to comments, addressing reader feedback, and interacting with readers on social media platforms.

Formulating polite replies to negative comments

Inputs: Comment content, blog post topic, desired outcome.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I received a negative comment on my blog post about [blog post topic]. The comment says [comment content]. Can you help me formulate a polite and professional response with a [desired outcome]?”

Crafting appreciative responses to positive comments

Inputs: Comment content, blog post topic.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I received a positive comment on my blog post about [blog post topic]. The comment says [comment content]. Can you help me craft an appreciative response?”


Generating engaging replies to questions in comments

Inputs: Comment content, blog post topic, additional information.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, a reader asked a question in the comments of my blog post about [blog post topic]. The question is [comment content]. Can you help me generate an engaging and informative response using this additional information [additional information]?”

Creating engaging replies to social media mentions

Inputs: User comment, blog niche, desired outcome.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, a user mentioned my blog, which is in the [blog niche], in this comment [User Comment]. I would like to [desired outcome]. Can you help me craft an engaging response?”


Drafting interesting polls for social media followers

Inputs: Blog niche, blog topics, social media platform.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I run a blog about [blog niche] and want to create an interesting poll for my followers on [social media platform] related to [blog topics]. Can you help me draft a few poll questions?”


Generating captivating social media posts for blog promotion

Inputs: Blog post topic, key points, target audience.

Example prompt:

“ChatGPT, I’ve just written a new blog post about [blog post topic] that covers [key points]. Can you help me generate a captivating social media post to promote this blog post to my [target audience]?”