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How to Teach Piano Online: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you a piano virtuoso or a music enthusiast looking to share your passion for playing piano with the world? There is no better and more convenient way to earn some extra income than by being able to share your expertise with the world – and online teaching has made that possible!

Teaching piano online can be a rewarding and flexible way to help others learn an instrument. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore all of the necessary steps you need to excel in the world of online piano instruction, from setting up your virtual music studio to engaging your future pianists effectively.

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Related: How To Teach Guitar Online (Ultimate Guide)

Why should you teach piano online? 

The global online music industry is rapidly growing, and online music instruction is in demand now more than ever before. 

This may come as a surprise to some people, but online music lessons work basically the exact same way as in-person lessons do, just with added flexibility and convenience. There is a structured approach to building your musical foundation and key theoretical concepts, and then new lessons are implemented to build on those. With online piano instruction, lessons typically come in easy-to-digest segments that continue to expand students’ knowledge in small increments.

These are some pros and cons of piano lessons in person versus online: 

Teaching pianoPros Cons 
In person 
  • Better sound quality 
  • Access to your teachers instrument if you don’t have one 
  • Hands-on adjustments
  • Commute to your teacher 
  • Less flexible with time 
  • Unable to look back on sessions 
  • More access to high quality teachers from different locations 
  • Play your own instrument during lessons 
  • Easy to record sessions to look back on for practice 
  • No commuting to lessons, saving you time and money
  • Can’t play live duets with your students 
  • No forms of traditional performance opportunities via recitals


Teaching piano online offers quality piano education to aspiring pianists, regardless of their location. Educators are able to connect with students from all over the world. It also offers music teachers the flexibility to work full-time, part-time, or as a side gig, making it ideal for those who prefer non-traditional work hours or have other commitments.

Online piano instruction also allows you to serve students with diverse learning needs. You can provide supplementary materials, video demonstrations, or interactive practice exercises to help learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced pianists.

Teaching piano online is also a great idea for any pianists who are also aspiring entrepreneurs. With online piano instruction, you are able to develop your own piano courses, create music content, and even build your brand in the online music education space. You can also expand your offerings by selling digital products or memberships for recurring revenue.

Can you make a living from teaching piano online? 

You can absolutely earn a good income from teaching piano online. In order to be the best online piano teacher out there, here are some things you can do to set yourself apart from your competitors:

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Qualifications needed to teach piano online

Besides a passion for instrumental music, to teach piano online effectively, you should have:

It’s important for your reputation as a music teacher to meet the necessary qualifications and expertise required to teach your chosen level and theory of piano. A strong background in music, a degree, and significant experience can enhance your credibility.

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Steps to creating your online piano learning experience

Once you decide that you’re ready to venture into the world of online music instruction, it’s time for the exciting part – creating your online piano learning experience and setting up your virtual classroom. 

  1. Select an online platform

You have a few options for teaching piano online. Decide whether you want to work through an existing online music education platform, use your own website, or work with a combination of both.

If you would like more control and flexibility with your teaching, choosing an online platform can give you this freedom. This allows you the ability to design your content and teach it the way you’d like. 

Selecting a platform that offers an all-in-one solution will give you access to design tools, asynchronous and synchronous video recording, community features, assignment and certification options, and course evaluation features that will make all the difference when you’re setting up your online learning platform. Also consider elements such as payment integrations, analytic reports, and what the platform offers in terms of data protection and technological support.  

Thinkific is a platform that provides extensive support and resources, ensuring you have everything you need to launch and grow your online piano teaching business. 

  1. Prepare your virtual music studio

Creating an effective online piano learning environment is crucial. Organize your online space so that when you’re with students, you don’t have to worry about the logistics of online teaching. 

  1. Plan your lessons

Designing well-structured piano lessons is an essential part of online teaching. Take these tips into consideration when planning your lessons:

Related: The Most Common Barriers to Learning – And How to Overcome Them

  1. Engage your students

When piano students are engaged, they will be more motivated and eager to practice their lessons. Finding interesting and fun ways to engage your piano students online will help them feel more inspired to excel in the musical world. It will also help nurture a healthy and respectful teacher-student relationship.

Teaching students online may require a bit more effort than in-person instruction to make sure that your students’ full attention is directed towards their learning. To engage your online piano students, focus on having interactive lessons where students are encouraged to ask questions, play along, and explore musical ideas. Also try using visuals like sheet music, musical notation, and videos to enhance piano instruction and illustrate musical concepts effectively.

Another way to make sure your online piano students are fully engaged is to regularly assess their progress and provide feedback on their practice exercises and performance recordings. This feedback will help students’ refine their technical skills and musical interpretation. Offer periodic musical evaluations or examinations to assess students’ proficiency in piano techniques and musical interpretation. You can also create activities and exercises for students to reflect on their musical progress and set goals.

Equally as important is celebrating musical achievements – incorporate fun ways to acknowledge students’ musical achievements to boost their motivation and confidence.

  1. Adapt and improve

If you’re used to teaching piano in-person, it could take some getting used to switching to an online music studio or classroom… Just remember that online piano teaching is an evolving process. 

Continuously adapt and enhance your methods:

  1. Foster a musical community

With any form of online learning, it’s critical to build a sense of community, as this helps enhance motivation and musical engagement. 

Start your online piano lessons with icebreaker activities to help students feel more comfortable with learning how to play an instrument online. You can even incorporate collaborative musical projects that encourage students to perform together, even in a virtual music environment.

Performing is a huge part of playing an instrument. Organize occasional virtual music recitals, where students can showcase their musical talents and celebrate their musical progress together.

Use technology to your advantage

The great thing about teaching piano online is that you can use technology to your advantage. You can enhance your online piano teaching by leveraging these tools: 

Extra tips to consider

Teaching piano online is a creative endeavor that you can personalize and add your own style to. Every teacher will have their own rhythm and groove, and providing a unique learning environment is what makes students want to learn from certain teachers. 

These are some extra tips to take into consideration when designing your online piano lesson plan:

Final thoughts 

The world of online piano instruction is growing, and more students find it easier and more convenient to learn from online teachers. 

Follow the tips and strategies in this blog to find your own online teaching style and create an effective musical learning experience for your piano students.

Enjoy the fulfilling journey of teaching piano online!