Thinkific News

Fall in Love With Your Business

Hi there, Carina here from Thinkific. You’re doing what you love but not exactly getting paid what you deserve. Sometimes, I know this can really make you feel a bit… bleh… about this whole being-an-entrepreneur thing.

That financial stress is REAL. (I mean can we talk about how much grocery prices have skyrocketed? I could write a whole essay on raspberry prices alone!)

Here are some expert tips and stories to help you fall back in love with what you were meant to do — and tips on how to get paid more doing it. 🙂

How to Make Money Teaching Online (From $100 to $10,000 Per Month)

So, you know all those “get rich quick” schemes going around on the internet? Yeah, they suck. Making money online is not easy. But the key to anything in life is baby steps. No matter what stage you’re at, here are some tips on how to make even more money from your teaching. (Follow this cheat sheet, and soon you’ll be splurging on as many raspberries as you want!).

Make some extra cash

How to Use Upselling and Cross-Selling to Maximize Revenue

Finding new clients is HARD. It would be so much easier if you could just get more money into your bank account from the customers you already have. 

Wait — hang on a sec. Have you tried upselling? Commit new clients and help existing ones come back for more as regulars. Make the process smooth as butter, all while earning more! Here’s how to increase revenue so it’s less work for you long-term! 🙂

Boost revenue by upselling


How The Universe Guru Became a Millionaire Through Online Courses

The Universe Guru brings in $350-400k a month just from her online courses alone. I know what you’re thinking. That can never be you. It sounds unrealistic. Feels way too good to be true. But here’s the thing. These things never happen overnight. (Even though sometimes we expect them to?) Here’s a powerhouse of a story from a regular person like you and me.

Learn how The Universe Guru found success