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How To Expand Your B2B Offers with Online Learning Products

Incorporating a B2B offering into your business or transitioning to a B2B selling model can be a useful strategy to help you unlock the next level of success for your business. 

In the last session of our “Level Up With Plus” series, we spoke with Paul Thomson and Simon Durant. They shared practical and tangible strategies to iterate and grow your B2B offering. 

Paul Thomson is a Thinkific Expert who specializes in assisting companies looking to use online education to grow their business. In this article, he shares insights on how to plan and prepare your business to start selling B2B and Student Lifetime Value. 

Whether you are an entrepreneur in B2C looking to transition to a B2B selling model or are a part of a larger business that is trying to incorporate online learning into your offerings, Paul’s tangible advice will provide you with practical B2B strategies to get started.  

The B2B selling journey

Constantly selling is exhausting. If you are in the business of online course creation, it’s easy to get into the habit of constantly “selling” and trying to expand your audience. This takes a large amount of time, resources, and energy – especially when a lot of effort goes into selling a lower-priced course. 

To get out of the selling cycle you want to establish a sales system that scales with your business. This will help create consistent conversions to support long-term growth and help build an aligned vision for all stakeholders involved. 

Before you get started with building or iterating on your B2B offering, here are some common mistakes to avoid:

Learn More: Discover how to unlock B2B course sales with the Bulk Sell App

The Lifetime Student Value Framework™

When entering the B2B market, it’s beneficial to have a strategy in place for how your students or clients are going to go engage with your company at every phase of the customer journey. Paul’s Lifetime Student Value Framework is a valuable tool to implement into your strategy to accomplish this.

This model is made up of 3 pillars: Systems, Sales, and Students. By focusing on these areas, companies are able to run and operate at scale while creating meaningful customer experiences.

It starts by creating great content that connects with your audience. Once you’ve brought them in, you’ll want to ensure you have the right systems in place to move students from one product to the next, like a stepping stone, once they have become a fan of your content. To do so, you want “systems on the front and backend that will identify and prompt students at just the right time,” says Paul, to “incentivize them to purchase the next product” by creating great student experiences. 

This framework helps support your new students coming in and supports them in having transformational experiences so you can provide them with other products and services down the road. 

The three strategies to grow in the B2B market

  1. Implement a customer success strategy
  2. Implement an additional offer to retain customers and reduce churn 
  3. Use certifications, accreditations, and partnerships to accelerate growth and expand your reach in the B2B market

1. Implementing a Customer Success Strategy 

Having built a successful business already, implementing a customer success strategy around your products and services can take your organization to the next level. Through online learning, you can support your customers by educating them on existing and new offers, improving retention, and activating them faster.   

How “Echosec Systems” implemented a customer success strategy

Echosec Systems is a Web-based data discovery tool for threat intelligence. Their product was complex and they wanted to ensure their customers had a full understanding of its benefits and new updates. 

In order to be able to help customers use their product more effectively and efficiently, as well as reduce the likelihood of their customers “bouncing” as a result of not being able to properly understand how to use their product, Echosec Systems leaned on the infrastructure that Thinkific Plus provides to be able to distribute their training to help their customers through the process of customer education. 

To do so, Echosec Systems created a customer education academy that has grown to become an integral part of their new customer and employee onboarding process. 

Good questions to consider when reflecting on implementing a customer success strategy are:

2. Implementing an additional value add to retain customers and reduce churn

You already have a way that you serve your customers. A service, product, or form of helping your clients, students, or customers. Implementing an additional value add is an effective way in which you can retain your customers and reduce churn. Educational content can be an effective way to provide that added value to your B2B customers and reduce the likelihood that they will leave your business. 

How Lansa, a low-code development platform implemented the “additional value add”

At Lansa, the team was trying to solve a problem: even with a large amount of written documentation, there was a demand from their customers and potential customers for formal training about their product. Their customers and partners needed help learning how to use their platform. 

Before using Thinkific Plus, the team at Lansa was using a time-mentorship model to instruct new customers on how to use their product and share best practices. This took up a large amount of time and resources – especially as they started to scale the program. 

In order to resolve this issue, they launched “Learn Lansa” with Thinkific Plus. The Lansa team turned their FAQ, Help Docs and Customer Support Resources into online courses to be able to support their B2B customers and reduced churn in the process.

Good questions to consider when reflecting on the practice of using an “additional offer” to reduce churn in your business are: 

3. Using certifications, accreditations, and partnerships to accelerate growth and expand reach in the B2B market

Even if your business is already growing, it is always beneficial to expand your reach and accelerate growth beyond the current services you are providing for your customers, students, or clients through the use of certifications, accreditations, and partner programs.

How IntelyCare accelerated growth and expanded reach beyond current business offerings through certification and accreditation

IntelyCare is a company that supports healthcare facilities through staffing software that ensures there’s the right number of nurses, at the right time, in the right spot. When COVID-19 emerged in 2020, they recognized the problem of a lack of training for nurses on how to treat COVID-19. To address this knowledge gap, they built out a training and certification program using Thinkific Plus. With social sharing, their impact quickly grew to reach and train over 500,000 nursing staff in COVID-19 care. 

The team at IntelyCare built an offer that was complementary to their business and was able to teach half a million people in a quick and efficient manner. They also used certificates and leveraged social media as important forms of supporting the takeoff of the course. 

Key Learning: Incorporating certifications and accreditations in your offering is an effective way for you to accelerate the growth of your business in the B2B Market. People want to learn something new, and they want to have evidence that they have completed their knowledge and retained new information for employment purposes, as well as for compliance purposes. A certificate is a tangible way for you to provide your customers and students with an opportunity to demonstrate the experience, safety, and compliance they have gained from your courses.

How Keap accelerated growth and expanded reach beyond current business offerings through partnerships

Keap is a combined CRM, marketing automation, e-commerce, and analytics platform. While widely used, due to the complexity of their platform, the team at Keap needed a way to equip their partners with knowledge to work with their customers in order to help them implement their platform across all of their use cases. 

Since the Keap partners were responsible for helping their customers implement their platform into their business, they implemented a partner onboarding program using Thinkific Plus. 

Key learning: Because Keap already had a successful platform, they accelerated their growth by reaching into new markets and attempted to fit into new audiences they did not have access to by relying on their partners to be able to advocate for them, and implement their platform on their behalf through Partnerships. 

Good questions to consider when reflecting on the practice of using certifications, accreditations, and partnerships to accelerate growth and expand your reach in the B2B market are: 

What it’s like to iterate and grow a B2B offering at scale: Notes from the trenches with Simon Dunant

In the second part of the Level Up with Plus session, we chatted with Simon Dunant, Director of Online Learning at Engaging Networks. Simon is an avid user of Thinkific Plus with a strong background in online education and 25 years of experience in the technology industry. Simon has led the network of online learning academies at Engaging Networks, the leading SaaS platform for non-profit marketing and fundraising, managing the creation, curation, and implementation of customer education and partner certification of clients and agency partners across the globe. 

Simon also runs Engaging Network’s Staff Academy, helping deliver compliance and security training to employees. He has over 10 years of B2B and B2C experience: training, mentoring, and coaching through in-person, online, and on-demand content at leading global companies and conferences. 

If you’re looking to implement strategies to grow and iterate your B2B offering, Simon offers some tips from the perspective of someone who has gone through the experience over the past 4 years in online training both as a consultant and as an employee responsible for online training delivery, building Engaging Network’s customer education program from the ground up and migrating to Thinkific Plus in 2021. 

How online education can fit into the company vision 

When Simon first joined Engaging Networks, the company was keen to dive into online education for customers and partners. Initially, the company’s vision was to provide scalable online customer education that transformed their clients into expert users of their software to help improve retention rates, attract new clients, and reduce employee onboarding time as they scaled the business. 

The goals of Engaging Networks’ online learning platform were:

One of the key challenges for Engaging Networks was to be able to produce and deliver courses quickly due to their fast-paced product cycle and the ongoing product feature releases every 6 to 8 weeks. It was imperative for the company to be able to build and update courses in alignment with product feature releases to be able to educate their customers on how to utilize them and ensure that courses were providing value to the business. 

The benefits of an online academy
When it came to reducing onboarding times for Engaging Networks, starting an academy resulted in a reduced workload for account managers and support teams. With an online academy, much of the repetitive training process that Support teams go through when onboarding clients can be eliminated with the implementation of self-paced courses, and allow account managers and Support teams to spend more 1-1 time with their clients.  

Building a partner network through accreditation and certification programs 

Engaging Networks built a community of marketing agencies and nonprofits interested in working together to help implement their platform. They built a partner network through the implementation of an online agency academy that was able to accredit and certify them. 

The key benefits of accreditation and partnerships: 

Accredited partners were able to transform Engaging Networks’ partner program. Previous to the implementation of an agency academy, there was no standard way to ensure the quality of the partners the company was delivering to their clients, and they were unsure of what their clients’ customer experience was going to be like. 

Engaging Networks saw an opportunity to train their partners, accredit and verify them, and build stronger relationships with them. This allowed them to build a strong partner network through agencies that they knew worked with their tools, and were knowledgeable about their frameworks. They were confident that accredited partners now knew their platform inside out because they had received certifications through their online academy training.

Taking your course from concept to training, quickly 

When working with a larger business, sometimes you may have a short time frame to develop a course around a new product or service feature. With Thinkific Plus, Simon advises taking advantage of the bulk importer in order to create several course modules at once, bulk upload videos, and create lessons in a list form.

When using Thinkific to build your courses, you are able to film all of your videos at once, upload them, and build a course from start to finish with a tight deadline. This allows you to spend more time on the creation of the content that is going to be in your course while ensuring that it is going to deliver and meet the goals you have outlined.

It is helpful to avoid spending too much time on administering, hosting, and tweaking the platform rather than working on delivering your knowledge through content. The Thinkific platform helps facilitate this process.

Transitioning from B2C to B2B

When working with a B2C audience, courses can often be centered around one topic. As a course creator, you have more independence and different stakeholders to answer to. On the B2B side, it is important to consider that if you are providing any kind of training delivery to another business, there is going to be a wider number of people and departments to answer to. Therefore, you have to think like the business you are working with, or within. Whether you are an outside consultant or an internal one, working in a B2B context will likely involve larger training operations, a larger amount of courses and training topics, and may involve compliance requirements.

Key differences between B2C and B2B 

Tips for B2B content management 

Choosing an LMS that can scale and grow with you 

With Engaging Network’s previous LMS, there was more administrative work that needed to be completed in order to build courses. Using Thinkific Plus as their new learning management system, Simon has been able to free up around 30% of his time to put back into content creation.

Choosing an online learning platform that is intuitive, scalable, and allows you to build courses with ease allows you more flexibility to grow the customer base you serve, as well as have separate sites or learning environments for your students. Previous to joining Thinkific Plus, Engaging Networks had one large Academy that served clients, partners, and several stakeholders. With Thinkific Plus, they have been able to build several different academies to serve their stakeholders and focus specifically on tailoring each learning experience to them. 

Need help evaluating your next online learning platform or learning management system? Check out our free Evaluation Guide here. 

Another benefit of Thinkific Plus in a B2B context is that through the implementation of different learning environments, you and several other stakeholders of the business are able to track the progress of clients, partners, and employees separately in their learning journey. 

For instance: An HR manager is able to log in to the platform and receive updates about the progress of employees going through the onboarding process. Likewise, a Customer Success Manager can log into the platform’s learning environment for customer education, and keep track of the learning progress of the businesses’ customers. 

Internal visibility, and having separate access to information is always something that is important to keep in mind to ensure that you are not compromising any privacy policies internally in the business. During the Level Up session, Simon demonstrated how Engaging Networks was able to build different academies for each of their key stakeholders using separate learning environments on THinkific Plus. Watch the replay to see how they did it!

Considerations For launching your first B2B course 

Keeping Track Of Reporting Early On: 

As you build and launch your first B2B offering, make sure that you are receiving data from your learners. Use reporting tools on your online learning platform to keep track of your student’s progress, how they are engaging with the content in your courses, and notice if there is any room for improvement.

Key metrics that you can pay attention to are:

Noticing patterns in your reports and metrics can help you gather insights into the way that your content is performing with students and know when it’s time to make adjustments. When using the Thinkific platform, you can download the reporting data every week so that you are able to stay on top of this knowledge, and build a database of metrics.

How To Keep The Learning Journey In Mind 

Key Takeaways For Building Your Online Learning Education Strategy 

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