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Sell More Online Courses with an Intro Video

How to set up an intro or demo video for your online course and how this can help increase conversions

Demo or Intro videos are a great way to increase your online course sales. In fact, when I added a short demo video to my own online course it increased sales by more than 30%.

Even if you offer your courses for free, demo or intro videos will increase your online course sign ups and lead to more students, more satisfied students, and higher reviews for your course.

In a moment we’ll look at how to create a demo video for your online course, but first let’s look at why it works.

5 reasons demo videos work to increase online course sign ups:

  1. Demo videos build trust in you and your course by letting people meet you and see who they’ll be learning from.
  2. It’s an opportunity to show off some of your best stuff – put some great content in your demo and more people will sign up for the full course
  3. It let’s potential students check out what they’re going to get with very little effort
  4. It’s your opportunity to sell! You can share who you are and what the course is about – but most importantly tell them why they should take it.
  5. Video is the perfect medium. People are coming to expect and love video on the web, don’t pass up the opportunity to use it.
5 Reasons Demo Videos Work to Increase Online Course Sign Ups Click To Tweet

Okay, now to the specifics – What to put in your demo video…

Here’s the 5 key elements to include in your online course demo video:

  1. Let them know why they want to take this course – what is the result they will see? What is the change in their life? Remember, people don’t buy facts or information – they buy results.
  2. Let them know what they’ll learn or what’s covered – this can be tied closely into the point above, and you don’t need to go into too much detail about the curriculum if you share the result.
  3. Introduce yourself and share a little of your personal experience – the goal here is to build trust in you and let them know why they might want to learn from you.
  4. Add value – this one is optional – depending on your sales funnel and whether they know much about what you’ll be offering you may want to offer a sample portion of a lesson for free here. You can also include this in a free trial of the course.
  5. A call to action – no demo video is complete without a call to action. Make sure you end with an Invite to join you in the course!
The 5 Key Elements to Include in Your Online Course Demo Video Click To Tweet

And the goal is to keep this all to a short video – no rambling! Most attention spans on the web are very short – we recommend you keep it under 2-3 minutes. Shorter if you can. Remember you can always offer more info on the course landing page and in a free trial, as well as in your other marketing materials.

How to add a demo / intro video to your online course

The next step is to actually add your demo video to your online course. If you’re a Thinkific customer this is super easy to do. Just click on the course editor – pick your course – go to the details tab and add your demo video. You can upload a new one or choose to use a YouTube video.

Want to see a quick video showing how fast it is to add a demo video to your course? Learn how and more by taking out free walkthrough course here.