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Just Starting an Online Course Isn’t Enough

In today’s fast-paced digital world, launching an online course seems like a golden ticket to success. But hold your horses — simply rolling out a course isn’t the endgame. To really make a splash, you need an audience that clicks with what you’re teaching. 

Why’s this so vital? With an industry expected to be worth more than $460 billion by 2026, you’ll need an engaged audience to get your piece of the online learning pie. 

So, how do you build this engaged fan base, especially from ground zero or on popular platforms like Instagram? Let’s explore the details of building an audience that will help drive your marketing efforts and level up your online course sales. 

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Why only starting an online course isn’t enough

Online education, especially selling online courses, is more than just a convenient and flexible learning option. It’s about creating a dynamic e-learning environment. However, one key challenge is the lack of communal experience that in-person classrooms offer. Building a thriving community around your online courses is essential, ensuring learners stay engaged and don’t lose their way.

The limitations of online courses

While online courses are a boon for entrepreneurs and educators, they come with their own set of limitations that can affect the learning experience.

  1. Less opportunity to connect with peers

In the world of online tutorials, the social buzz of a traditional classroom is often missing. You might find yourself missing those impromptu discussions with classmates. The solution? Engage in courses with active online forums or study in communal spaces like cafes. Group projects can also reintroduce the camaraderie of in-person learning, especially for first-time online learners.

  1. Greater need for self-discipline

Studying at home, while convenient, requires significant self-control and focus. Distractions are plentiful, and staying on track can be challenging without the structured environment of an in-person class. Plus, without immediate access to a teacher for help, online learners might find themselves struggling alone.

  1. The balance between passive and active learning

Passive learning methods like watching, listening, and reading are common in online education but may not be enough for deep understanding. On the other hand, active learning involves more hands-on methods like experimentation and creation. This approach enhances understanding and retention and applies theory to practice, making engaging with course material more effective.

Incorporating more active learning strategies can significantly boost the appeal and effectiveness of your online courses, transforming them into an enriching journey for your students.

The importance of an audience for online course creators

Launching an online course without an audience is like opening a boutique in a ghost town. As an online course creator, you need more than just high-quality content — you need a vibrant, enthusiastic audience to engage with your material. These learners absorb knowledge and become advocates for your course, spreading its value across their networks.

  1. Audience engagement isn’t just a number game

Think of audience engagement as a dynamic dialogue, not a one-sided broadcast. It’s about creating a space where your learners interact with your tutorials, webinars, and quizzes, providing essential feedback and insights. Why is this so crucial?

  1. Your audience as brand ambassadors

Brand ambassadors are the champions of your content. They’re passionate about your course and eager to share it with their circles. They come in various forms:

  1. Why brand ambassadors matter

Your audience, especially your brand ambassadors, are not mere statistics. They’re the lifeblood of your online course, vital for spreading your podcast, tutorials, and quizzes to a wider audience. Engaging with them effectively can transform your course from just another option to a thriving learning community.

Strategies to build an audience

When you’re gearing up to launch an online course, remember: building an audience is not just a step – it’s the backbone of your success. It’s about pinpointing the right people through savvy market research and persona development, then drawing them in with content that clicks. Let’s unpack this audience-building adventure.

  1. Identifying your target audience

Who’s your ideal learner for your online program? Let’s zero in on them:

Once you’ve gathered this data, create detailed personas. These are like sketches of your ideal students, helping you develop content that truly resonates with them.

  1. Content creation and sharing

The cornerstone of a successful online course lies in connecting with your audience via consistent, impactful content. But balancing content creation with running your business can be a balancing act. Here’s your game plan:

Here’s how you can nail it:

And when the dreaded content creation block hits, here’s how to keep the ball rolling:

  1. Create a lead magnet

To turn casual browsers into committed followers, you need a lead magnet. It’s not just about writing engaging blog posts — it’s about capturing those precious email addresses. Think of a lead magnet as your audience magnet — an irresistible offering that hooks potential learners and reels them into your world.

Leveraging social media, especially Instagram

Social media is becoming a powerhouse for elevating brand reputation and loyalty. The latest insights from Sprout Social’s State of Social Media Report reveal that 66% of participants see nurturing brand reputation and loyalty as a key business objective, and they’re tapping into the potential of social media to achieve this.  And course creators agree, with 58% of them crediting social media traffic as their number one way to attract students. 

And this includes platforms like Facebook, Reddit, TikTok, and especially Instagram. 

Instagram is a stage where your brand can shine. Its visual nature and massive audience make it a prime spot for growing your followers. But this involves more than just posting picture, you need to master audience engagement. Here are some best practices to help:

  1. Instagram best practices

  1. Make your Instagram account a follower magnet

Before chasing followers, give your Instagram profile a makeover. Ask yourself: does my profile make people want to follow? Key elements include:

  1. Keep a consistent content calendar

To keep your followers engaged, you need a steady stream of content. How often? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but most brands aim for daily posts. The key is consistency, not quantity.

  1. Engage with customers and brand advocates

Engagement is the currency on Instagram. Respond to comments, repost user-generated content, and show that you’re not just a brand, but a community member. Brands like Drunk Elephant excel at this, regularly sharing posts from their followers.

  1. Real followers over fake numbers

Stay away from buying fake followers. They add no value and can damage your brand’s credibility. Real engagement from real people is what counts.

  1. Showcase your Instagram everywhere

Don’t be shy about promoting your Instagram account. Add social media icons to your website, emails, and even on other social channels. Cross-promotion is key.

  1. Post what your followers love

Experiment to find what resonates with your audience. Whether it’s carousels, reels, or traditional posts, keep an eye on what garners the most likes and engagement. Remember, what works for others may not work for you.

  1. Meaningful conversations are a must

Engage in conversations with your followers. Answer their questions, respond to their comments — show them you care. This personal touch can turn a casual follower into a loyal fan.

  1. Embrace short-form video content

Short videos, like Instagram Reels, are hot right now. They’re quick, engaging, and algorithm-friendly. Get creative with filters, music, and transitions to make your content stand out.

  1. Partner with niche influencers

Collaborating with influencers can put your brand in front of a whole new audience. Look for influencers who align with your brand’s values and have an engaged following. Remember, it’s not just about the number of followers, but the quality of engagement they bring.

  1. Organize your stories as highlights

Turn your best stories into highlights on your profile. Group them by themes like Q&As, tips, or events. This organizes your content and showcases the best of your brand right at the top of your profile.

By following these practices, you can leverage Instagram to grow your audience and create a vibrant, engaged community around your brand.

  1. How to make the most of your current Instagram followers

Got a bunch of followers on Instagram? That’s just the start. The real deal is turning that number into a lively community buzzing about your content. Here’s how to keep your existing followers glued to your feed:

Building an online community from scratch

Building an online community from scratch might sound like a tall order, but with the right approach, it’s totally doable. You can turn your platform into a buzzing hub for engagement, driving traffic, fostering customer relationships, and boosting your business. 

  1. Setting up the right platform to build an online community

Most people think of social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn for online communities. While these are great places to start, they’re just part of the bigger picture. In fact, almost 50% of online community members are more engaged in online communities than they are on traditional social media platforms.

  1. Fostering engagement and interaction

Building an online community is all about boosting engagement. Here’s how to make it happen:

  1. Hosting live events and Q&A sessions

Live events are a powerhouse for community engagement. They provide a platform for real-time interaction, building a sense of belonging and trust. These events make your community members feel connected and valued, fostering stronger bonds and loyalty.

  1. Cultivating brand loyalty

Brand loyalty is like a friendship that grows over time. It’s built through consistent, positive experiences with your brand. In today’s competitive market, brand loyalty is your shield against competitors and fickle consumer trends. It’s what keeps your customers coming back, even when others are vying for their attention. Community loyalty is what can help drive sales, with 53% of people sharing that they are more likely to buy a product if it’s recommended to them by a member of their online community. 

How to build a community around your brand

Creating a community around your brand is more than just marketing your online classes or services. It’s about crafting a space where customers, team members, and enthusiasts can connect and share. This engagement goes beyond transactions, infusing your brand with loyalty and a sense of belonging, offering everything you need for a thriving business community.

  1. Defining your brand identity

Your brand identity is the soul of your brand, a blend of your values, offerings, and the unique relationship you seek with your audience. This identity, embodied in your business name, logo, and visual elements, distinguishes you in the market and forges a bond with your audience.

Why focus on this? A strong brand identity resonates with your customers’ values, making them more inclined to engage with your online classes or products. It’s about building a recognizable and trusted brand, one that customers return to time and again.

  1. Brand voice and messaging

Your brand voice is the personality you showcase in every interaction, from email lists to social media posts. A consistent and distinct brand voice helps you stand out in the digital world’s hustle and bustle. This unique tone in your testimonials, videos, and content is crucial for authenticity, especially as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent.

  1. Sharing your brand story

Your brand story should strike a chord with your audience’s desires and dreams, forging an emotional connection. Crafting a compelling story involves narrative techniques, authenticity, and input from your audience. A story with relatable characters and real-life conflicts makes your brand more memorable and can transform your audience into advocates.

  1. Showcasing customer success stories

Customer success stories are powerful tools that demonstrate the effectiveness of your products or services. These narratives should be genuine and relatable, steering clear of sounding like an advertisement. They can be case studies on your website or engaging videos. A well-told customer story helps potential customers see themselves achieving similar successes, thereby boosting sales and deepening brand loyalty.

When crafting these stories, focus on making them relatable to your target audience. It’s about showing real people achieving real results, which helps potential customers envision their own success with your brand.

Measuring success and iterating

Success isn’t granted by simply launching campaigns. It’s the impact they make that defines their effectiveness. Using key performance indicators (KPIs) offers a numerical snapshot of how your strategies are performing and allows you to tweak them for better results. 

Key performance indicators: Your digital success metric

KPIs are vital for understanding the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and making informed decisions. Here’s a breakdown of some crucial KPIs and how they can guide your strategy:

Digital engagement: Tracking engagement on social media helps you understand what content resonates with your audience. It’s about quality over quantity. Why invest in a format that’s not clicking when another is gaining traction? Use the analytics tools on platforms like Facebook and Twitter to gauge this.

Landing page conversions: Your landing pages should be clear and compelling. Track the number of visitors and conversions to understand how well they’re performing. Optimize them using SEO and CRO techniques to improve conversion rates.

Blog post visits: Blog posts can drive significant traffic to your site. Use SEO tools to monitor organic traffic and backlinks to your blog, assessing their engagement and reach.

Follower growth: On social media, follower growth is a direct indicator of brand awareness and audience engagement. Keep an eye on this number to gauge the effectiveness of your content and campaigns.

Click-through rate (CTR): CTR measures the percentage of clicks on a link relative to impressions. It’s crucial for understanding audience engagement and the effectiveness of your messaging. A healthy CTR generally is over 1%, but this can vary based on different factors.

Conversion rate: This KPI reflects the success of your funnel. It’s calculated by dividing the number of people who completed a desired action by the total number of users who initiated the process. A high conversion rate indicates a successful customer journey.

Website traffic: Website traffic is a fundamental KPI. It tells you how many potential leads are visiting your site, which is crucial for targeting your marketing campaigns effectively.

Email marketing performance: Analyzing open rates, delivery rates, unsubscribe rates, and CTRs in your email marketing helps refine your strategy for better engagement and conversions.

Customer acquisition cost (CAC): CAC is the total cost of acquiring a new customer. It’s calculated by dividing the total marketing investment by the number of customers acquired. This metric helps in budgeting and understanding the efficiency of your marketing efforts.

Search rankings: Your website’s position in search engine results pages (SERPs) is crucial for organic traffic. Keeping tabs on search rankings helps you stay ahead in SEO and attract more visitors without additional costs.

By keeping track of these KPIs, you can continuously refine your marketing strategy, ensuring that your efforts are not just effective but also cost-efficient. This iterative process is key to maintaining and growing your digital presence successfully.

Crafting your digital success story

Launching an online course is just the start of your journey. The real magic happens when you build and engage an audience that resonates with your brand. From defining your brand identity to leveraging social media platforms like Instagram, every step is crucial in crafting a community around your brand. 

Measuring success through KPIs and iterating your strategies based on these insights will ensure your efforts are effective and evolving. Remember, a thriving online community not only supports your current endeavors but also paves the way for future success.

Learn more about how to create a successful online course with our article, 10 Steps To Creating A Wildly Successful Online Course.


  1. Why is it important to build an audience for my online course?

Building an audience for your online course is essential for several reasons. It ensures you have a dedicated group of learners who are more likely to engage with your content, provide valuable feedback, and advocate for your course. An engaged audience can also help in spreading the word, leading to increased enrollments and a stronger online presence.

  1. Can I build an audience from scratch, even if I’m new to the field?

Absolutely. Building an audience from scratch involves identifying your target audience, creating and sharing valuable content, and engaging actively with your followers. With the right strategies, such as leveraging social media platforms and creating compelling content, anyone, regardless of their experience level, can build an audience.

  1. How can Instagram help me build an audience?

Instagram, with its visual format and large user base, is an excellent platform for audience building. By optimizing your profile, engaging with followers, staying on top of trends, and using features like Reels and Stories, you can attract and retain a dedicated following. Instagram also allows for direct interaction with your audience, helping to build a more personal connection.

  1. What are the benefits of building an online community around my brand?

Building an online community around your brand has numerous benefits. It fosters customer loyalty and retention, provides valuable insights into customer preferences, and creates brand advocates who can spread the word about your courses. A strong community also enhances your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness, making it more appealing to potential customers.

Build your audience with us! Check out our pricing page (it starts at free) here.