Thinkific News

Thinkific and Sales Tax: What our Creators Need to Know

Sales taxes are complicated. The rules are endless, they’re different across states and provinces, and they change all the time. This is true for our customers, and it’s true for us here at Thinkific. 

Within this ever-changing sales tax landscape, all web platforms like Thinkific are required to ensure sales tax is collected and remitted to the relevant tax authority on most US and Canadian sales.  

So we’re in this together. And as part of our commitment to compliance (and making your life easier), we are now automating tax for your US and Canadian sales with our new Sales Tax Solution.

Why Thinkific has started charging Sales Tax where it’s due 

  1. Governments have implemented marketplace facilitator laws that shift nexus thresholds from the sum of your business’s sales to that of all businesses using a marketplace facilitator.
  2. Thinkific is a marketplace facilitator. Check out our quick explanation below, or you can hire a team of tax experts and ask them! That’s what we did.
  3. The sales tax due is NOT based on where your business is. It is based on the tax rate for the product being sold in the student’s location.

What this means:

What Thinkific Creators need to know about how Sales Tax works

  1. Sales tax will only be charged when it is legally required to be. If your product is not taxable in the student’s location, Thinkific will not collect tax.
  2. Thinkific has automatically set product categories to determine tax rates. Check out how to update them manually here.
  3. Thinkific charges 0.5% of all transaction volume for determining how much tax is due on a transaction (it must be calculated for every transaction), collecting tax when it is due, and remitting it to the right tax authority, on time.

What this means:

What exactly are Marketplace Facilitator laws?

From Avalara

Marketplace facilitator laws impose an obligation on the marketplace facilitator to collect and remit sales tax on behalf of marketplace sellers. These laws are significant because they shift the obligation to collect and remit sales tax from the seller to the platform that facilitates the sale (the marketplace facilitator).

Excerpts from Marketplace Facilitator Laws in the State of New York

The rules vary across each US state and Canadian province, but this gives you a sense of the regulation by way of example:

Related: Tax on Digital Products: A Beginner’s Guide

Why Thinkific is a Marketplace Facilitator as defined by State and Provincial Governments

From TaxJar (a Stripe company): 

A marketplace facilitator is a business or organization that contracts with third parties to sell goods and services on its platform and facilitates retail sales. Marketplace facilitators enable these sales by listing the products, taking the payments, collecting receipts, and in some cases assisting in shipment.

Because Thinkific does the following, we are defined as a Marketplace Facilitator:

In this world nothing is certain… Except Death and Taxes

We know that any change in business can be concerning and take time to adjust to, and this is no exception. Unfortunately this one is legally required for all of us. However we’re doing our best to ensure this is as easy as possible for you and your business, and ideally we’ll add value in the process as well. 

This automated Sales Tax Solution ensures compliance with the legal requirements and alleviates the responsibility from sellers, like you. That’s one less tedious thing to worry about, so you can focus on what you do best: growing your business.

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with the world on Thinkific.