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1,400+ Easy Topics for Group Discussion With Your Students

Are you searching for new ways to keep your students on their toes? Sometimes it can feel overwhelming always looking for new, fun, and upbeat ways to keep your students engaged and entertained in your group discussions. 

Helping your students feel compelled to participate in group discussions has proven to be beneficial in more ways than one – besides the fact that it can help strengthen the bonds of your community (whether it be online or in-person), group discussions are an important part of the learning process for students. 

Group discussions facilitate student interactions, helping them learn how to communicate effectively with others. They promote a deeper understanding and help increase long-term information retention. Group discussions can also help increase students’ attention and help maintain their focus by involving them in the learning process. 

In this article, we will discuss why group discussions are so beneficial to the learning environment. We’ve also included some templates with a ton of easy topics for group discussions that can help you build a strong learning environment for your students! 

Related: What Are Learning Communities?

If you know what you are looking for right away, feel free to jump around and explore right away: 

We used AI to generate over 1,400 discussion topics that you can filter by category and age group.

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Benefits of Group Discussion in Online Courses & Learning Communities

While we already mentioned some of the major benefits of group discussions, we just want to highlight the importance of group discussions in online courses and communities.

The purpose of having interesting discussion topics in an online course is to provide opportunities for students to interact with each other, the content, and the instructor. 

There are already certain barriers to learning in an online community – such as self-motivation, distractions, and isolation to name a few – which is why it is even more crucial to engage your students in a fun and meaningful way! 

Sometimes it’s hard for more traditional classroom experiences to translate nicely to engaging online learning experiences. Introducing new topics to discuss in a group at the beginning of each class could be the key to making your online course effective. This is because social interactions (especially in the online learning community) foster meaningful connections and involvement between your students. 

Social elements like incorporating interesting topics to discuss in a group complement online courses because they enable social learning, peer-to-peer support, and student-to-instructor support. They also enable students to hold each other accountable for learning goals while creating a sense of community and belonging.

Adding different topics for group discussion in online learning communities is another great and effective way for students to collaborate and connect with one another. A learning community is a shared place for discussion, so why not spice up your interactions by throwing in some thought-provoking and interesting topics to discuss in a group? 

Online vs. in-person group discussion

Now that we’ve covered some of the benefits of group discussions in online courses and communities, let’s discuss whether it is better to have online or in-person group discussions. 

We find purpose and accountability in learning communities, regardless if they are from online or in-person group discussions. The style of traditionally learning in a classroom is currently being sidelined as the online classroom learning style has gained popularity in recent years. However, there are some upsides and downsides to each option, which we will cover. 

  1. Online group discussion



  1. In-person group discussion



Ultimately, the structure of the course – whether it is online or in-person – will depend on the nature of the course itself and the environment that the course instructor thinks will be the most beneficial for their students. 

Easy Topics for Group Discussion

If you are looking for some easy topics, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Favorite Online Resources

The first topic on our list is “What are your favorite online resources?”. This is a great question to get people talking about the different websites and tools that they use on a daily basis. It can also be a great way to find new resources that people may not be aware of. It’s an easy conversation started that can lead to more in-depth topics along the way.

Thoughts On The Internet

If you’re looking for a topic that will get people thinking, then you might want to try “What are your thoughts on the current state of the internet?”. This is a great way to get people to share their thoughts and opinions on the current state of the internet, and it can also be a great way to start a discussion about how the internet can be improved.

The Impact of Social Media On Our Lives

This is another great topic that can get people thinking and talking. Social media has had a huge impact on our lives, and it’s definitely something worth discussing. It’s a topic that tends to have differing opinions, so the conversation may include many talking points with opportunities to share real-life examples of the impact. You can ask questions referring to what others may have seen on social media like Facebook groups. These groups often have a growing discussion board that can influence opinions. 

The Pros and Cons of Technology

This is a great topic for discussion, particularly because it’s something that we all use on a daily basis. We rely heavily on technology, so understanding how people view it, both the negative and positive sides, can be quite interesting. It’s also a great way to start a conversation about how we can use technology more effectively, and how we can avoid its negative effects.

The Changing Landscape of Education

This is a great topic for discussion, especially if you have an online community full of students or educators. Education is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This discussion can help people learn about new changes in education, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives on the issue.

The Importance of Connection

This is a great topic for discussion, particularly in online communities. It can be easy to feel isolated when we’re spending so much time online, so it’s important to find ways to connect with others. This discussion can help people find ways to connect with others, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives on the issue.

Things That Inspire Your Creativity

This is a great topic for discussion, particularly in online communities. It can be easy to feel uninspired when we’re spending so much time online, so it’s important to find ways to get our creative juices flowing. This discussion can help people find inspiration, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives on the issue.

Whatever the context, it is helpful to structure the discussions in a way that defines boundaries for the process and provides some degree of closure within the classroom. Be sure the topics you choose are relevant to your community and that they will promote critical thinking and analysis among your members. With some thoughtful planning, you can use group discussion to build a strong online community.

“Would you rather” questions

These always make for a great discussion, and sometimes the answers will surprise you.

We used AI to generate over 1,400 discussion topics that you can filter by category and age group:

GD Topics To Avoid

There are a few topics that you may decide to avoid when having a group discussion. These topics can be controversial, and they can often lead to arguments. Some examples of these topics include:

If you’re not sure whether or not a topic is appropriate for discussion, then it’s always best to err on the side of caution.

How to Have a Successful Group Discussion

Before you start using these topics in your course, how you can approach the group discussion to ensure its success, whether online or in person. Here are a few tips:

  1. Create an inclusive environment

The effective facilitation of a group discussion involves recognizing that there will be many different perspectives and different skills needed to create an inclusive environment. 

In order to do so, it’s important to consider the components of effective group discussions and the conditions that promote small group interactions and engagement. Discussion is a powerful technique for active learning, and a well-facilitated discussion allows students to explore new ideas while recognizing and valuing the contributions of others.

To create an inclusive environment…

  1. Create a process to begin and end the group discussion

To ensure that your group discussion is off to a great start, it’s important to have a plan for the conversation. Think about possibly creating an introduction process. This can be as simple as having everyone introduce themselves and their thoughts on the topic at the beginning of class. 

Have an idea of how you want to wrap up the discussion, especially if there are time constraints. It may be a good idea to summarize the solid points that were brought up throughout the discussion, and praise everyone for participating. This will help to keep the momentum going for the next group discussion, ensuring that your learning community continues to connect with each other.

  1. Make sure everyone has a chance to speak

When leading a group discussion, the one thing you don’t want happening is for one student to monopolize the conversation completely – the benefit of having a group discussion is to listen and hear everyone’s unique perspective on the topic!

One of the most important aspects of a successful group discussion is making sure that everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and opinions. If certain parties are dominating the discussion, actively call on others as you moderate the discussion to give them the floor. You could even go alphabetically. This is especially useful to help engage students who are more shy and would rather not say anything at all. 

  1. Encourage people to ask questions 

A great way to get people talking is to encourage student participation. This helps keep the flow of the conversation steady, as well as actively engaging people to listen and think critically. 

Getting students to ask or write down follow-up questions to share allows them to voice their own thoughts and opinions. It may also be beneficial for the instructor to initiate some questions to help bring out their students’ ideas further.

  1. Have an open mind

In good group discussions, conflicts will sometimes arise. It’s important to remember that not everyone is going to have the same exact opinion as you, and that’s okay. What’s important is that you’re able to listen to other people’s thoughts and perspectives, and have an open mind. 

  1. Keep discussions constructive and positive

At the beginning of each group discussion, clarify the goals of each discussion and establish some of the ground rules for the group.

This can include:

  1. Plan topics for group discussions that will resonate with your students 

When you’re planning your group discussion, make sure to choose topics that will resonate with your community to ensure that the discussion will be engaging and beneficial for everyone involved.

Perhaps at the end of class, you can ask everyone to leave a question that they would like to discuss the next time you all meet together. 

  1. Identify potential problems in group discussions

It’s probable that not all group discussions will go smoothly, depending on the group and the nature of the topic. 

Some potential problems in group discussions include:

  1. Give students feedback 

Let your students know how they did in the group discussion. Offering individual constructive feedback can help your students feel more included and motivated to participate even more during the next group discussion. 

  1. Create discussion forums

Discussion forums are essential to learning communities because they give students a place to keep the conversation going and generate more ideas on the topic. Discussion forums also help foster connection and engagement between your students. 

Related: It’s Time to Tap Into Togetherness with Communities

Creating an Engaging Online Community with Group Discussions

Online communities can be a great way to bring your students together in one place where they can discuss course content, apply their learnings, and ask questions. This also helps you get a pulse check on what your audience wants to learn from you.

When building an online community, it’s important to outline community guidelines—helping to improve communication, avoid conflict, and prevent chaos in your community.

Group discussion can be a great way to build an online community if you can get students talking and thinking about different topics. Just remember to keep an open mind, be respectful, and make sure that everyone has a chance to speak. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a successful group discussion.

If you’re still looking for more ideas for GD topics, keep scrolling! Or try one of our Group Discussion Topic Generators:

1400+ Group Discussion Topics Categorized

Animal welfare







Diversity and inclusion

Easy topics

Elementary school students (age related)

English literature

Favorite online resources

Fostering good relationships

Funny group discussion ideas

Health and fitness

High school students (age related)



Kindergarden group discussion topics (age related)



Personal hygiene


Solving disputes

The changing landscape of education

The impact of social media on our lives

The pros and cons of technology

Thoughts on the internet


Would you rather

Young adult discussion topics

This article was originally written August 2022, and was updated July 2023 to be even more helpful.